Nature Connection Workshops in partnership with Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust: mindfulness and meditation in nature

Mindfulness and meditation based nature connection workshops in partnership with Birmingham and the Black Country wildlife trust:

I’m really excited to be working with Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust on a series of summer workshops for young people. The trust are doing some amazing work around engaging young people who might feel excluded from connecting with nature, because of aspects of their identity. The core values of equity and equality are strongly embedded in everything I do and have been since my days working in Local Government on community engagement projects, so I’m really happy to be able to be a part of this project.

These nature connection workshops offer an opportunity to explore the natural world and connect with nature in a safe, trauma informed and empowering space.

Rewilding through mindfulness and meditation

Nature based meditation s a huge part of my own practice and I use mindful, awareness based approaches to be more present when I explore the natural world. Through attunement to our environment and intentionally slowing down, we can experience the subtle beauty of nature. When we foster a deeper connection with the environment we also connect more deeply to ourselves.

Exploring nature's healing power

I’m always called back to nature because of its innate ability to restore and heal. As someone who has a busy, neurodivergent brain I’m always grateful for the calming effects of the natural world. Some benefits of spending time in nature include:

Improved Mental Health: Spending time in nature has been proven to have significant mental health benefits. It reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, and promotes a sense of calm and well-being. Nature provides a peaceful and rejuvenating environment that allows us to disconnect from the demands of everyday life and find solace in the beauty and tranquility of the natural world.

Increased Cognitive Function: Nature has a positive impact on our cognitive abilities. Research suggests that spending time in nature enhances attention span, concentration, and problem-solving skills. Nature provides a respite from the constant stimulation and distractions of urban environments, allowing our minds to relax and recharge. This cognitive boost can lead to improved creativity, productivity, and mental clarity.

Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Nature serves as a natural stress reliever. Being surrounded by greenery, hearing the soothing sounds of birds chirping or leaves rustling in the wind, and breathing in fresh air can significantly reduce stress levels. Studies have shown that spending time in nature lowers cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and promotes a sense of relaxation and inner peace. Nature's inherent beauty and serenity have a calming effect on our minds and bodies.

When you combine this with the benefits of meditation and mindfulness practices, magical things happen.

Inclusive nature connection workshops in Birmingham and the Black Country

Being able to access nature in a way that feels safe is a privilege that not everyone experiences. These workshops aim to provide an inclusive and a safe space where young people can explore their connection with nature. By fostering a sense of belonging, we empower individuals to embrace their authentic selves and discover the wonders of the natural world. This includes integrating trauma-informed practices, to promote healing, resilience, and empowerment for all attendees.

Birmingham and the Black Country Wildlife Trust workshop info

Workshops are taking place throughout the summer at various Birmingham and the Black Country locations. You’ll find us at Deer’s Leap Wood, Portway Hill and Moseley Bog.

To register head to Birmingham & Black Country Wildlife Trust’s website.

If you’d like to work with me to facilitate your nature based connection workshop or a meditation in nature session please get in touch. I also offer 121 meditation coaching, sound baths and a whole lot more.

Our nature connection workshops in Birmingham and The Black Country offer young people a transformative opportunity to reconnect with nature, explore mindfulness and meditation, and experience the healing power of the natural world. By prioritising inclusivity and employing trauma-informed practices, we aim to create a nurturing space where all individuals can feel empowered to embrace their unique connection with nature. Join us on this transformative journey, and let the wonders of nature guide you toward a deeper sense of self and belonging.


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