September 26th, 7 - 8pm sound bath and guided meditation journey


At our September sound bath we’ll explore our inner knowing. So often we allow external voices to be louder than our own internal wisdom. What happens when we turn inwards and begin to honour our inner wisdom? We’ll explore a practice to connect us to the wisdom of our own heart space and then we’ll connect with the wisdom of our bodies, before we surrender to the deep nourishing rest. Session include all or some of the following: gentle movement, pranayama, yoga Nidra, time for reflection, meditation and a sound bath.

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At our September sound bath we’ll explore our inner knowing. So often we allow external voices to be louder than our own internal wisdom. What happens when we turn inwards and begin to honour our inner wisdom? We’ll explore a practice to connect us to the wisdom of our own heart space and then we’ll connect with the wisdom of our bodies, before we surrender to the deep nourishing rest. Session include all or some of the following: gentle movement, pranayama, yoga Nidra, time for reflection, meditation and a sound bath.

At our September sound bath we’ll explore our inner knowing. So often we allow external voices to be louder than our own internal wisdom. What happens when we turn inwards and begin to honour our inner wisdom? We’ll explore a practice to connect us to the wisdom of our own heart space and then we’ll connect with the wisdom of our bodies, before we surrender to the deep nourishing rest. Session include all or some of the following: gentle movement, pranayama, yoga Nidra, time for reflection, meditation and a sound bath.

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