Ostara and Spring Equinox: journal prompts and playlist

An Ostara Playlist, with journal-prompts, for welcoming the beginning of Spring. Use it for breath work, rituals, or gatherings.

Ostara and the Spring Equinox: rebirth, renewal, and fertility

Hello friends. Today I’m sharing my playlist with journal prompts for Ostara. I have a whole set of playlists around the Celtic Pagan Wheel of the Year. Each time the wheel turns I update my post and playlist from the previous year. As I’ve reflected in other posts, this is always a really interesting exercise in observing my own repeating themes and cycles. For an overview of The Wheel of the Year you can check out this post.

As we step into the Spring Equinox this year I’m reflecting, as I did this time last year, that I am ready for longer days and warmer weather. You may or may not know that I moved onto a Narrow Boat last Autumn and my first winter has been a bit of a baptism of fire. No regrets at all. I love my tiny home on the water. Waking up when the temperature is in minus figures and having to get the fire going isn’t my favourite part of boat life though!

We have made it through the winter. Ostara celebrates new life and fertility.

Ostara is a celebration of emergence and renewal. We have made it through the winter and we’re at the point in the year where the hours of sunshine begin to exceed the hours of darkness. Ostara is a pagan celebration that celebrates the Spring Equinox. It is a time of rebirth and fertility, as the earth awakens from winter slumber and life begins to bloom again.

The name Ostara comes from the Germanic goddess of the same name, who was associated with the dawn, springtime, and new beginnings. This time of year marked the beginning of the agricultural cycle for our ancestors. We can connect with this in a modern context though as we emerge from winter and embrace the energy of renewal and rebirth.

Ostara and the balance between light and darkness

A playlist to reflect and journal

You can use this playlist to reflect and journal, as part of meditation practice, as a background for a movement-based practice, or as a tool to accompany breathwork. You can find some guidance about how to practice breathwork here.

Here are some prompts that you might wish to reflect on as part of your practice:

  • How do you feel about stepping into Spring?

  • What personal growth can you invite in?

  • Where do you need to find balance?

  • Where can you connect with joy?

image of Laura smiling at camera with text 'thank you for being here'

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